Contraceptive choices
We provide the full range of advice and contraception and can help you choose the best methods from a range including all the various combined pills, the progesterone only pill, the coil (IUD or intra-uterine device and IUS, the intrauterine system), implants, diaphragms, condoms and natural methods.
The nurses are able to provide all these except the IUCD / IUS and implants which will need a special appointment with a doctor. The female GPs can insert IUCDs and IUSs and Dr Dodhia is trained to perform implants. It is best to discuss this with a doctor in advance – please leave message with reception and you will be contacted to arrange. For all other contraception just make a normal appointment with the nurse.
All contraception is free of prescription charges under the NHS.
Here is a good guide to the various forms of contraception. Also the Family Planning Association is no longer a charity and was bought by a publisher but has some useful
Emergency Post-Coital Contraception
Emergency contraception is available for up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse, though the earlier the better. The most effective form is to fit an IUCD (a coil) which can be inserted up to 5 days after the accident. We can provide this at the surgery (ask to speak to a doctor as soon as possible to arrange this). An advantage with this method is, the IUCD can be left in place for good contraception. In the first 3 days (72 hours) the Post-coital Pill or ‘morning after pill’ is available, though it is more effective in the first 24 hours.
If you have need of emergency contraception, please contact us for an appointment as soon as possible- we will always fit you in. If the surgery is closed many pharmacies can also provide the Post-Coital Pill.