We are now calling up – those all those aged 16y and over and those aged over 12y in ‘at risk groups’ .
Vaccination is locally delivered by the GP run service at Central Middx Hosp. and Wembley Centre for Health & Care. Book your jab here . Also at a mass vaccination site next to Wembley Stadium run by the NHS and others around London, including walk-in sites. You can book your appointment here: national booking service or phone 119.
We are giving the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine and Oxford/Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine. Which vaccine is used depends on deliveries and we will not know at the point when you book. You will have both doses of the same type.
The Moderna vaccine is becoming available now and there are others on the way.
The second dose will be given around 8-12 weeks later (the time interval is now reduced). Two doses will reduce the risk of any infection and reduces the risk of severe infection, which will reduce the likelihood of hospital admission and serious complications.
NHS Website overview on coronavirus vaccination
Call-ups: Patients in the highest risk group are called up by SMS text according to national directives. For those without SMS or internet access we shall phone. Please do not call us – we’ll call everyone in turn as more vaccine becomes available. Your SMS may come from us or ‘Harness GP Federation’ of which we are members.
The whole subject of the different vaccines in development and becoming available, who will get them and in what priority order is complex –
- the BBC Website gives the clearest visual explanation
- Oxford University Vaccine Knowledge website about Covid-19 vaccine
- How do we know if the vaccine is safe? (from BBC website)
- Covid-19 Variants summary (from American CDC – Centres for Disease Control)
- Information for use of Covid vaccination in pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Useful fact checks to counter some of the dangerous mis-information being spread (from Fullfact.org)
- Vaccine scams – make sure you don’t fall for criminals trying to get your money or identity
- Use of facemasks, exemptions etc
- Travelling: testing and vaccination rules
- OMICRON VARIANT – useful summary from BBC Science pages
- EVERYONE OVER 16 YR SHOULD GET A VACCINE – Info and booking here
- All over 40s should get a booster vaccination 6m after their last (wait for all-up)
- Healthy 12-15yr olds vaccinated at schools
Still recommended to wear mask in shops, any crowded areas and public transport and keep personal distancing, despite the changes in the law. And get fully vaccinated asap!
COVID rates are high locally and vaccination rates low, so do take care and look after everyone in our community. It has not gone away and people are still in hospital, on ventilators and some dying. Northwick Park Hospital has been on Black Level alert in the last few days, meaning it is working over-capacity and struggling.
National advice on all aspects of Covid-19 from Gov.UK
Long Covid
Information on Long Covid (or Post Covid Syndrome)
We have clinics available locally for dealing with some of the effects of this, though they are in their early days and there will be waits.
NHS leaflets here:
Covid-19 Testing
There are two main types of tests – Tests for active infection and tests for past infection
Current infection is detected by
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests check for the genetic material (RNA) of the virus in the sample. You send the sample for processing at a lab
- lateral flow device (LFD) tests detect proteins called ‘antigens’ produced by the virus. They give rapid results, in 30 minutes after taking the test and is used by employers, schools etc
Past infection is detected by Antibody Tests (finger prick or blood sample)
Here is a summary of the different tests for Covid-19 and what they mean
Which covid test should I get?
Who can get a free test (PCR)
Free NHS test only if at least one of the following applies:
- you have a high temperature
- you have a new, continuous cough
- you’ve lost your sense of smell or taste or it’s changed
- you’ve been asked to get a test by a local council
- you’re taking part in a government pilot project
- you’ve been asked to get a test to confirm a positive or unclear result
You can also get a test:
- for someone you live with if they have symptoms.
- If you’re going into hospital – you may need to get tested if you’re due to have surgery or a procedure.
- The hospital will arrange this for you. Contact your hospital department if you have any questions.
- If you live in a Care Home, they will arrange this for you.
(You cannot use this service to get a test if: you’ve come to the UK from a high-risk country, you’re planning to leave the country, your employer or school has asked you to get a test but you have no symptoms. You can pay for a private test.)
When to get a test
If you have symptoms, get a test as soon as possible.
Book a visit to a test site to have the test today. Test sites are open 7 days a week. Order a home test kit if you cannot get to a test site.
Book your test here (or phone 119 if you cannot access the web-booking)
Essential Covid-19 advice
If you are worried you may have or been in contact with Covid-19 use the 111 online checker 111 online coronavirus service
Only phone 111 if you cannot get online help (expect delays).
You should contact 111 if you are getting worse, cannot cope with your symptoms or you are not getting better after 7 days. Do NOT go to the GP or pharmacy or hospital or walk-in centres.
Here’s all the proper, official advice: NHS.UK & Gov.UK
How to stay Healthy at Home
Advice for parents during the pandemic
Support for carers, the vulnerable and isolated Brent Gateway Partnership
Accessing Emergency Care for Children during the pandemic
If you are self-isolating but well, get an Isolation Note Download here – we cannot provide this. If you can work from home you do not need an isolation note.
If you are sick and cannot work fill in a self certificate for up to 7 days. Over 7 days absence requires a Fit Note which we can provide – fill in an PATCHS or phone us. Employment rights and advice
NHS Track & Trace
How the NHS Trace & Trace system works what it means and what to do if you are informed of a contact
Protect yourself and others
Wash your hands regularly with hot water and soap (for 20sec) and after touching your face or any surfaces. Carry a hand sanitiser with you to keep yourself at lower risk of picking up Covid-19. Here is a short video on correct hand-washing.
Don’t touch your face. People touch their face on average 16 times per hour. This is a sure way to transmit virus to yourself from contact with a contaminated surface.
Keep a safe distance – 2m (6.5 feet) is safer but not totally safe (or 1m with precautions such as masks for everyone).
Wearing a MEDICAL MASK must be done PROPERLY – we see a lot of people hanging a mask off their chin, below their nose, not fitted properly: THIS WILL NOT WORK!
See this short video for how to use a mask correctly
Respirators with valves are not appropriate for reducing infection spread and most cloth face coverings may not work.
Vulnerable people need special protection
Current UK Coronavirus data
Official government local and national statistics update daily
This vaccine tracker shows progress of the 270 Covid-19 vaccines currently in research – which will make it and which won’t.