Alcohol – do you need to cut down?
For good health it is recommended for men and women to drink no more than 14 Units a week (a unit is half a pint of normal strength beer or lager a single shot of spirits (25ml). A small glass of wine (125ml) is around 1.5 Units. A unit of alcohol is 8g or 10ml of pure alcohol. For more details on units of alcohol check this.
Check how many units you are drinking here!
Alcohol use also leads to increased weight. Check out how many calories are in your drinks – can be a shock!
Plenty of advice and help:
NHS.UK has plenty of advice and information
AlcoholChange.UK – a new charity with calculators, quizzes, research evidence etc.
Services to help you in Brent are provided by New Beginnings (WDP + CNWL partnership) – there is a wide variety of tailored services available. Leaflet here
You can be referred by your GP or phone yourself (Tel: 0300 303 4611) 24/7 helpline: (Tel: 0800 107 1754)
There is a separate Young People’s service too (Tel: 0300 303 4547).
There are at least 6 or 7 different classes of drugs which cause considerable amounts of harm – stimulants (eg cocaine, amphetamines), depressants (eg alcohol, benzos.), hallucinogens (eg LSD), Opioids (eg heroin), Inhalants (eg glues), Cannabis
TalkToFrank has a useful A-Z of drugs including the many street names to help sort them outs all as useful advised on users and their families.
The NHS.UK site is a good place to look for help for users and those close to them.
Narcotics Anonymous can be a useful support for many.
Services to help you in Brent are provided by New Beginnings (WDP + CNWL partnership) – there is a wide variety of tailored services available. The satellite drug service is detailed here.
You can be referred by your GP or phone yourself (Tel: 0300 303 4611) 24/7 helpline: (Tel: 0800 107 1754)
There is a separate Young People’s service too (Tel: 0300 303 4547).
Sources of information:
Legal classes of drugs are A, B, C and this site had useful classification with the consequences of prosecution.
This site usefully defines the laws and sanctions on drug-driving, an increasingly recognised problem on our roads.
Drugwise provides information on the size of the dug problem in the UK.