Young People

Young people using our servcies

If you are 16yr and over you may book your own appointments and see us on your own.

If you are under 16y we prefer you are accompanied by a responsible adult but we are always willing to talk with you or see you confidentially, if you prefer not to involve your parent or guardian.

If a decision has to be made about your care, involving treatment or a referral for instance, we would always encourage you to talk with your parent or guardian. Sometimes you may not want to though we would want to discuss this with you and offer to help you do this or do it for you if you preferred. If you still wanted it to remain confidential and we were happy that you understood all the issues and were mature enough to make this ‘informed’ decision we would respect your choice, though if legal issues such as exploitation or abuse were involved or your safety was at stake, we may be obliged to report it.

Access to medical records

Up to age 11yr parents are assumed to have access and control of the child’s records and services and parents have ‘proxy’ access and control.

After 11yr, in the best interests of that child, parents may retain this facility. However, children and young people under the age of 16y may, if considered ‘Gillick competent’ or ‘Fraser competent’, be able to give their own informed consent. Working out what degree of ‘competence’ a young person may have to decide their own level of consent is often difficult and will require careful discussion and consideration in each case.

Young people over the age of 16yr have the automatic right of consent, unless considered inappropriate: they can allow or refuse permission for someone else to access their records and services on their behalf.

Young Peoples’ Health

There’s lots of advice out there but it can be confusing and sometimes just wrong.
A safe place to start is the NHS.UK site – full of great info., regularly updated.

Here’s a useful guide for GP services for young people


Mental health & wellbeing support and information for young people and parents


A confidential service, offering support for children and young people on a wide variety of problems


Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people for any mental health issues

The Mix

Online & phone support service for young people – from mental health, money to finding a job


Talk to Frank
for honest straightforward
and help with


All about young peoples’ relationships -advice, counselling, workshops and support face-to-face, by phone and online

The Hideout

Helping children and young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive

Brent Centre for Young People

The leading mental health charity for young people in North West London


NHS Go is a confidential health advice and information App
and website for
16-25 year olds

Calm Harm

The urge to self-harm is like a wave.
It feels the most powerful when you
start wanting
to do it


Self-harm is difficult to talk about but it’s a common problem and you can beat it. Find out what to do if you’re affected by it


This app teaches parents and children
together about
meditation for different age


The UK’s eating disorder charity.

Help & advice with
all types of
eating disorders.

On My Mind

Empowers young people to make informed choices about their mental health and

Health for Teens

Advice for teens growing up – sex, relationships, STDs, contraception, feelings

Winston’s Wish

Supporting children and young people after the death of
a parent or


Advice about
sexual health
and wellbeing for young people and staying safe


brothers and sisters
of disabled
children and

National Deaf Children’s Society

Deaf-friendly info for young people

UK Safer Internet Centre

Tips, advice and resources to stay safe and positive online.

Change 4 Life

Helping make children and young people healthier and fitter (for life!) – food, recipes, exercise advice, weight check and much more, from the NHS.


The BRENT LOCAL OFFER: information and advice for children and young people from 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and families – education, benefits, travel, all sorts of resources…

Get Safe Online

Learn how to be safe online.

Children with Cancer UK

The leading national children’s charity dedicated to the fight against childhood cancer – information and campaigns

ADHD Foundation

All about ADHD and advice on management for young people and parents

British Dyslexia Association

Offering dyslexia information, advice and services

National Autistic Society

The UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families.


All about child abuse of all sorts, online and present

Asthma UK 

Asthma UK – Useful advice and checks for young people with asthma

Help with being overweight – a 6 week NHS programme run by Central London Community Health Trust – you can self-refer or through school nurse.

Details here