Partnership with patients
We hope to form a good and effective partnership with all our patients. We will do our bit and hope you will do yours!
We value feedback and encourage you to make any suggestions to improve our service. We hold regular surveys as well as the everyday ‘Friends & Family Test’ on the surgery Patient Kiosk or online from our home page.
We encourage you to join the activities of the Patient Group.
If things go wrong, please let us know as soon as possible, informally at first is often best or if you prefer you may raise an official complaint.
Our Values
These are our core values and they underpin our vision, strategies, policies and procedures.
- Fairness
- Compassion
- Respect and equality
- Excellence
- Partnership
Our Mission Statement
We aim to provide a modern, responsive and efficient service tailored to your individual needs, putting you at the centre of your care and working in partnership. We place great importance in continuity of care and using the best up to date evidence to inform your health choices. We look forward to working with you to optimise your health!
Our Commitment to You
- Everything we find out about and know about you is governed by rules of the strictest confidentiality. Without your written informed consent, we cannot divulge attributable information about you to anyone. (This rule even applies to those under 16 where applicable: The Doctor or Nurse must consider them to be “Gillick Competent” – ie they are sufficiently mature and intelligent to understand the what is being said and done to them. We would encourage them to involve their parents but will abide by their wishes and will see them on their own or with a friend or guardian). The rules of confidentiality apply to anybody working or studying at Willow Tree.
- We shall not discriminate against anybody by race, age, creed, gender, sexual preference, lifestyle, disability, language or belief.
- We shall treat you according to your clinical need with the best treatment currently available according to currently accepted best evidence and expert guidance. We continually review our clinical protocols in the light of new evidence and monitor and audit all aspects of our care.
- We will deal with your problems as quickly as we are able and will prioritise where necessary.
- We will ensure you are promptly referred to another practitioner whenever necessary.
- We shall involve you at all stages in your medical care and respect your wishes at all times. You may not wish to consent to treatments we suggest – that is your right and it will not prejudice your care here. We shall inform you of side effects of any treatment and will provide written information about your condition where possible.
- We will keep you informed about delays to your appointment.
- We shall monitor and maintain as good and easy access to our services as possible.
Your Commitment to Us
We hope you will agree
- To treat our staff and fellow patients with courtesy and respect and not to be rude, abusive or aggressive, no matter what cause you feel: we operate a “zero tolerance” policy backed up by the CCG and the NHS.
- To treat our building and our property with the same care as we do.
- To cancel unwanted appointments in good time (including those we’ve made for you at the hospital).
- To always check in at reception whenever you arrive in the building.
- To carefully look after all children in your care whilst on our premises.
- To refrain from smoking in the building, gardens and paths.
- To turn off your mobile phones in the building –they can interfere with equipment and cause distress to ill patients.
- To arrive in good time for your appointment.
- To inform us straight away of any change of telephone number or address.
- To request prescriptions and certificates in good time.
- To be patient if you are kept waiting – urgent, unplanned problems will always occur and sometimes it causes delays (especially if you are seeing the Duty Doctor): one day it might be you, so please try and bear with us.
- To tell us when things have gone wrong (and indeed right – our staff thrive on knowing they have done a good job).
- To tell us your suggestions for improvements.
Your Named Doctor
Under our regulations, all patients have been allocated a named GP who is responsible for your overall care at the practice and coordinating the services you need. You can, of course, still choose to see any of our doctors or nurses at any time and this will not affect your care in any way. If you don’t know who your named GP is please ask next time you come in or contact the surgery to find out. If you prefer a certain doctor to be your named GP, please let us know.
In addition, for patients aged 75 and over, the named accountable GP will also work with relevant associated health and social care professionals to deliver a multi-disciplinary care package that meets the needs of the patient and ensures that these patients have access to a health check.
The NHS Constitution
The NHS Constitution details what staff, patients and the public can expect from the National Health Service. It also explains what you can do to help support the NHS, help it work effectively, and help ensure that its resources are used responsibly.
The Regulation of Doctors
The General Medical Council licenses and regulates the professional practice of doctors. It provides guidance for doctors and it acts on behalf of patients protecting them against unprofessional behaviour by doctors. Doctors’s licences to practice require regular revalidation during which they need to show participation in continued professional development.
Information about the role of the GMC and the duties and responsibilities of Doctors is available here.